
We are proud to offer several types of full-year enrollment classes to make your child a true triple threat in performing! We have various dance, vocal, acting, and more! Class registration for our 2023-2034 school year will open on July 10th.


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Registered classes are charged monthly, according to how many classes will be held the following month (specific class rates depend on the class), with no refunds given for classes missed by the student. Charges are made on the 1st of every month, due by the 5th, with a $10.00 late charge added on the 10th.

NO-CLASS DATES (subject to change):
  • September 4th (Labor Day)
  • October 12th - 16th (Fall Break)
  • November 22nd - 27th (Thanksgiving Break)
  • December 20th - January 2nd (Winter Break)
  • January 15th (MLK Day)
  • February 16th-19th (Presidents' Day)
  • March 11th - 18th (Spring Break)
  • March 29th - April 1st (Easter Break)
  • May 11th on - August 18th (Summer Break)